Wealth Resources

Bestseller Wealth & Financial Independence Books​

Knowledge and Education are the key to success in several aspects of life. When it comes to Wealth, FIRE and Financial independence, there is no more important element. Reading and learning from others who have achieved what you want is the path of least resistance. Here are 3 top Wealth, Financial Independence, Money & Investment books

_Wealth & Fire  Resources  Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

An amazing simple personal development & self improvement book. A classic must read!

Wealth & Fire  Resources Wimple Path to Wealth JL Collins
The Simple Path to Wealth

JL Collins

A book that can help anyone grow their wealth in a simple and steady way

Wealth & Fire Resources Rich dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Another classic book that advocates financial literacy, financial independence and building wealth through investing